Breeding Peaches
This was only compounded by the fact that he was Aqualish, meaning he had a genetic predisposition to anger, frustration, and stubbornness. Liz straddled her wearing nothing but her gown and mortar board she had worn at the graduation ceremony and looked at Beth with a glint in her eye. He returned Carol’s and mine last, announcing to the class that, “Miss Martin and Mr. Smith were the only ones to complete their projects correctly. So why did the Goddess think she had to transform me? Cut it out,, enough stop ,, its disgusting,,, oh fuck his tongue lapped between my legs, i shuddered again, and tried to scream at her to stop this,, but all the sounds i was making sounded like grunts and muffled noises…i was struggling so much the chair was rocking nearly toppling over, when Sue grabbed the dog and led him outside, returning and sliding the screen door closed.
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